I don't have words. But I will breathe with you in this, wishing with you you were wrong and knowing that you aren't.

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Oh Sharifa. I wept and wept. Beautiful prose. Ugly truths.

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Woke up washed in grief.

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Lamenting. And raging. Marcellus Williams' case is representative of why I changed my mind about the death penalty. Even one innocent person put to death - no, murdered (I need to call it what it is) - is too many. And it happens way too often. I see you, and I grieve with you.

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One is too many! Yes.

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Im here in MISSOURI and its a TRAGEDY….this is the 3rd STATE EXECUTION in a year….But Ya cant be serprized because after all this is DRED SCOTT and MIKE BROWN TOWN…. Even the PROSECUTORS said there wasnt enuff EVIDENCE….and The FAMILY of the Victim, LISHA GAYLE, said DONT KILL THE MAN.

REST IN POWER …. Marcellus Khaliifah Williams

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Oh, you are in it.

Your rage is holy.

You’re right; none of this is new because Missouri has perfected dehumanizing Black people.

And of course, Missouri is not alone in this.

But still, talking about Mr. Williams in past tense when he was just, JUST in present tense…it’s diabolical.

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This shit is heartbreaking…

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He should still be here. This didn’t have to happen. This is what terror feels like.

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