Marcellus Williams does not have long for this world, because the governor of Missouri, Michael Parson, and the powers of that wretched state have conspired to murder him tonight via lethal injection at 6 pm today…
even though he maintains his innocence;
even though the victim’s family isn’t even desirous of the death penalty;
even though the current prosecutor for the state sited procedural errors (the then-prosecutor who handled the murder weapon with his bare hands and denied Black would-be jurors from participating in the case) that any reasonable person would consider and halt the execution.
I read that Governor Parson has never granted clemency, though he has presided over 11 executions.
This is pro-life?
The facade of democratic republic has been completely torn down too many times. I can’t even point to a time where this country’s law and ideals did not sit firmly in opposition to the truth, to justice, to mercy. This country was birthed by the sword and is dying by it. I shouldn’t be shocked. But Mama Toni basically said that we must never stop being shocked by the reprehensible.
I am shocked that when I call the Missouri Governor’s office, the mailbox is full. I am shocked that when I called the Supreme Court 30 minutes ago, someone picked up and refused to answer, and then hung up. I am shocked that the will of the victim’s family, the admitted errors of due process, and the most rudimentary care for human life has been discarded in the state of Missouri today.
This is not justice. This is state-sanctioned murder.
This man will die tonight because of the morbid indifference of other men who choose to exercise their power through mercilessness. Every day people with power pretend it away by pointing to a system—a system they designed, profit from, and have the authority to change at will—shrugging, and saying “it’s out of my hands.” A truly degraded life chooses apathy during moments of literal life and death.
Listen, I want to be wrong. I want the governor to be pro-Marcellus Williams’ life. I want one of you to comment “Sharifa, no. Marcellus Williams is still here. He was granted clemency.” I want this post to be shamefully inaccurate. I want to eat each and every one of these words. God, let me be wrong. Let me be wrong.
This shit is heartbreaking…
I don't have words. But I will breathe with you in this, wishing with you you were wrong and knowing that you aren't.