“Sometimes I think I am worshiping somebody else’s god, the way I see the same Jesus that fills my prayers, dripped from the mouths of tricksters and murder-mongerers.”
The constant ache this causes me. Many are searching for sanity— for the way of Jesus to be seen clearly: elevating the powerless, treating the foreigner as our own, resisting darkness and oppression in all its forms. The masses tried to silence Old Testament prophets who spoke about this— just as they tried to silence Jesus. Voices like yours give me much hope.
This is the Sunday sermon that needs to be read in every pulpit and an offering taken up at every church and sent to your home. Damn sis, you stared it down and said, "Not today, Satan. Not any damn day. You get NO MORE days."
This part: I encourage my Black sisters to live into every one of our senses, to enjoy everything, because we have fought so hard and so well, and have borne so much hatred in fighting to align America with her ideals.
amongst them all, i also love this line: "But people cry out for their kings and volunteer to be mascots and jesters and soldiers and slaves, because they love to be ruled, or because limitless power titillates them so they pretend at proximity and the fantasy of attainment." my goodness
I know you already know this reference, but to make it plain, I have been so struck by the theme of people asking for the *distant* second best, as illustrated by when Israel begged for a king. God said in 1 Samuel 8:10-18, "you sure? It'll cost you!" And they, of course, were willing to pay the cost even though they were specifically warned. And so it goes.
and so it goes; scripture - especially OT - is one long cautionary tale about the routine failure of human politics; i acknowledge and struggle with that
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I was just in Exodus 1 on Sunday. Shout out to the midwives of resistance, my play cousins in my mind, Shiprah and Puah! God bless you sis!
I am weeping!This is everything, Sis. My heart feels both absolutely full and thoroughly emptied out after reading it. I know no other way to explain it. Thank you for your labor of love. 💞
Picture me waving an old church fan to get some air. Tears streaming down my face. You’ve given me words for what my insides feel. Thank you sis Sharifa. Thank you. 🤎🥹🙏🏾
Soooo good! Thank you so much for reminding me about my God …phew 🙏🏿
I’m so glad I could offer a reminder to you!
“Sometimes I think I am worshiping somebody else’s god, the way I see the same Jesus that fills my prayers, dripped from the mouths of tricksters and murder-mongerers.”
The constant ache this causes me. Many are searching for sanity— for the way of Jesus to be seen clearly: elevating the powerless, treating the foreigner as our own, resisting darkness and oppression in all its forms. The masses tried to silence Old Testament prophets who spoke about this— just as they tried to silence Jesus. Voices like yours give me much hope.
Hope is so fragile these days. I am honored to spark even a glimmer of it, Sara. Thank you for your encouragement.
Whew. Sharifa. This sang my hearts song is SO many many many ways.
🥹Ashleigh, I am honored by your words.
This is the Sunday sermon that needs to be read in every pulpit and an offering taken up at every church and sent to your home. Damn sis, you stared it down and said, "Not today, Satan. Not any damn day. You get NO MORE days."
I missed this when you wrote it, but wanted to say thank you, and say amen to resisting devilish schemes every day (we will need to).
I felt the heartbeat in every word you said. Thank you for writing this offering.
Thank you, Anisha.
This part: I encourage my Black sisters to live into every one of our senses, to enjoy everything, because we have fought so hard and so well, and have borne so much hatred in fighting to align America with her ideals.
Y’all, she wants to stay asleep.
I mean, TRULY! It is so wildly frustrating.
Every day it’s a new iteration of people fighting to stay asleep. We can’t wait for them. We have to live.
Thank you for this offering.
Thank you for reading, D
The first paragraph. Phew
Shiphrah and Puah are my play cousins now (thanks to Yolanda). I look up to their witness.
amongst them all, i also love this line: "But people cry out for their kings and volunteer to be mascots and jesters and soldiers and slaves, because they love to be ruled, or because limitless power titillates them so they pretend at proximity and the fantasy of attainment." my goodness
I know you already know this reference, but to make it plain, I have been so struck by the theme of people asking for the *distant* second best, as illustrated by when Israel begged for a king. God said in 1 Samuel 8:10-18, "you sure? It'll cost you!" And they, of course, were willing to pay the cost even though they were specifically warned. And so it goes.
and so it goes; scripture - especially OT - is one long cautionary tale about the routine failure of human politics; i acknowledge and struggle with that
stunned into silence by the heft of this missive; thank you
Oh, thank you, Julian. Appreciate you.
Thank you for this. Your words are power and truth.
Thank you, Laura.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I was just in Exodus 1 on Sunday. Shout out to the midwives of resistance, my play cousins in my mind, Shiprah and Puah! God bless you sis!
Play cousins! Yes! Yolanda, that's perfect and now they will never not be my play cousins, too.
God bless you, sis!
I can't add anything other than to say thank you for sharing your heart. I see you. And I lament with you.
Hugs, Don. Thank you.
Wow wow wow 💔💔💔🔥🔥🔥
🫂 Thank you, Marla.
I am weeping!This is everything, Sis. My heart feels both absolutely full and thoroughly emptied out after reading it. I know no other way to explain it. Thank you for your labor of love. 💞
Dada, asante sana. Thank you for reading.
Picture me waving an old church fan to get some air. Tears streaming down my face. You’ve given me words for what my insides feel. Thank you sis Sharifa. Thank you. 🤎🥹🙏🏾
This means a lot coming from you, Rachael. 🥹
We gon get through this.
By the grace of God and the gumption given by our ancestors...YES we WILL!