A few things:

1. Sis, the hair is HAIRING in that picture!

2. Your writing, as always, pulls me in and holds me close. I'm grateful for you and your words.

3. Have you ever gone salsa dancing?

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Thank you for sharing this. Once again, I'm blessed to learn from your writing.

And I am praying with you for the safety of Judge Chutkan and District Attorney Willis, and for the complete prosecution of the predator-crook-racist with multiple indictments, as well as his co-conspirators. And I am praying for God to grab hold of all the crook's followers who think they're following Jesus, even as they profane his name with hatred and brazen idolatry.

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Beautimous. Fantabulastic. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾🤌🏾🙏🏾❤️

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Whew, I too have been an "accidental adherent to a violent gnosticism" and have only in recent years begun to find freedom from it.

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One of my favorite things about what you have to say (and there’s more than one) is this importance of our bodies to who we actually are. 👏

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