Oh I remember. As a Brooklyn native that day is etched into my memory. There's a photo of my Mom on the Brooklyn Promenade with the towers in the background. It seems like ancient history and also yesterday. This was so beautifully written, thank you for leaving your heart on the page.

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I wasn't no more than 4 years old when the towers went down, but every time I read a piece from anything surrounding that time, I'm always touched. Just like how I was touched with this piece. I hope that your days of half-breathing were changed into breathing and feeling alive while doing.

This was beautiful.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Sharifa

When I miss my Grammy real bad (not “a lot” but “real bad”), I open her vintage 1930’s powder box and inhale deeply. It’s my Ponds.

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friend. wow.

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It feels crass to compliment your writing in a piece like this, but it's really beautiful: intimate and heart-wrenching. I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandmother; she was clearly a blessing - may her memory continue to be so. Thank you for sharing this.

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I shared some of this story with my 9yo son and 6 yo daughter. I will never forget that day either. I’m sorry about your grandmother and your traumatic memories. As an RN, I cannot unsee, unfeel experiences that have forever changed my perspective of human life/the mighty dollar. Your writing felt real raw and humbling ♥️ much love

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Thank you for sharing this. Between your memories and a piece I read in The Atlantic today, I feel like I've grieved 9/11 more today than possibly since that week in 2001. Weird how I've walked through 9/11 each year for 22 years, but this is the first one where I felt at a level that made me shed tears. I think it's the beautiful vulnerability of shared love and grief that opened something that I'd bottled up for years. Thank you.

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I understand, Beloved. 🫂

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I felt your emotion in every word. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Powerful, powerful. Thank you for sharing your grandmother, your grief, and how we all connect. Loved reading this, I felt every word. (Also I know it's not the point, but you're an *incredible* writer, Sharifa.)

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This is a powerful piece, keeping 9/11 close and alive. Thank you for sharing with us.

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I understand.

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