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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Sharifa

Thank you for sharing the four steps of forgiveness. I struggle a lot with the first one, telling my story. I tell myself my story so often in my head it feels trapped in there. I long to tell my story to others in search of understanding. But I haven't thought that another purpose to telling my story is a step in my ability to forgive.

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I remember in my teens my mom talked to me about getting past her relationship with her dad. He died when I was three, so he was not there for her to work through it with. She talked about a lot of letter writing, boxing it up, and then burying it somewhere where she would not go back and visit. She said it was healing.

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Forgiveness wears. me. out. And yes - due to the fallen nature of this body that will not let me forget offenses, and that some offenders continue to be out there offending, and I can't get away from hearing about it and being re-triggered. All of these are things that I know you know. So yes, forgiveness wears. me. out.

Praying for you.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Sharifa

Wise words! Thank you.

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